Returning to the Blog

When I started blogging about issues critical to managers to American Unions, I had every intention of continuing this critical effort.  Unfortunately, life happens!  Within weeks of starting the blog, I was diagnosed with breast cancer (which is freaky - since I am male, and have no relatives who have had breast cancer).  And although I tried to stick with the blog even then, halfway through my chemo-therapy treatment, I stopped contributing to my blog.

I have been meaning to get back to the blog, but was denied tenure at the university where I was teaching (while undergoing chemo-therapy).  I have moved across the country, have obtained tenure, and serve as an academic department head.  The time is now right to return to the blog.  I will be posting another "article" within the week.  Hopefully, I can continue to post the findings from relevant research being conducted on credit unions in a format that is accessible to credit union decision makers.


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